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Office of the Provost Teaching at WSU


Give all students listed on myWSU the grade earned during the term. All names listed should be graded and not left blank. A blank grade will prevent a student from graduating. 

The “X” grade

When to submit an “X” grade via myWSU?

  • Instructor’s illness or absence. If you are unexpectedly unable to assign grades for your class before the deadline, assign a grade of “X” via myWSU by the deadline.
  • An “X” grade is regarded as a place holder.
  • An “X” grade will prevent a student from graduating.
  • Be sure to submit the grades to the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible so that the “X” grade is replaced with a final grade.
  • Please also keep in mind when entering an “X” grade, Financial Aid views an “X” grade as not satisfactory progress towards the degree. This means that an “X” grade will affect a student’s financial aid status.

Note: All outstanding incomplete work (including grades of I, X, and blank/no grade) must be completed and posted to the official transcript prior to the conferral of an undergraduate or professional degree.

The “Z” grade

When to submit a “Z” grade via MyWSU

The “Z” Grade became effective for the fall 2015 term

  • The “Z” grade should be used when a student will fail a class due to discontinued attendance without withdrawal.
  • The “Z” grade provides the last day of attendance, which is essential for accurate federal reporting requirements related to student financial aid and Veterans benefits.
  • When the last day of attendance is not available, the date of the last exam or assignment recorded should be submitted instead.
  • The “Z” grade is for internal use only and is not visible to the student. It appears and functions as an F rather than as a Z on the transcript. Only the “F” grade is visible to the student.
  • If a student has never attended then enter the first day of the term as the last day of attendance.
  • “Z” grades may be uploaded on a CSV file but once uploaded the instructor must enter the last date of attendance for each “Z” grade on the roster in order to save the grade roster.
  • If the last date of attendance is not entered when you save the grade roster an error message stating “Last Date of Attendance is required” will display and the fields requiring completion turn red and are highlighted. Enter the last day of attendance and save the grade roster.

The “Z” grade will display on the student’s transcript as an “F” grade.

Note: All outstanding incomplete work (including grades of I, X, and blank/no grade) must be completed and posted to the official transcript prior to the conferral of an undergraduate or professional degree.

Fall 2017 dates to remember:

Deadline to Submit Final Grades via myWSU is Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 5 p.m.

The Registrar’s Office will be closed from December 25-January 2.
We will not process grades during this period, but students will be able to view their grades and order transcripts. We encourage you to submit grades by the deadline. Missing or incorrect grades during the extended University closure may create difficulties for students.