Student Success Seed Grants
The Office of the Provost and the Office of Research award Seed Grants
Student Success Seed Grants RFP
The seed grants are designed to foster a transformative student experience, as outlined in Theme 2 of the Strategic Plan. Faculty are encouraged to develop strategies that could potentially attract extramural funding to be scaled up to an institutional level, or have the potential to be used across disciplines to increase student retention at WSU and increase students’ progress toward graduation.
Unlike the Strategic Reallocation proposals, which is a limited submission process facilitated by college and administrative leadership, the Student Success Seed Grant proposals may be submitted by WSU faculty members. There is no requirement they be coordinated through the degree-granting college deans. Collaboration across colleges, campuses and nonacademic units is encouraged, though not required.
A total of $125,000 in one-time funds is available for this program. Individual grants may be awarded up to a maximum of $35,000, for a period of up to 18 months. Letters of Intent are due to the Office of the Provost by Feb. 15, 2016 and proposals are due April 1. Decisions will be announced May 15 and the funding period will begin July 1.
The Office of Research issued a related RFP for Grand Challenges Seed Grants, seeking proposals for research initiatives in support of the Grand Challenges. Details and more information regarding the Grand Challenges Seed Grants are available here.
Share your ideas for Student Success Seed Grants on the Discussion Board.
Review Process
Letters of Intent will be reviewed upon submission
Letter of Intent
Thank you for submitting your Letter of Intent. You will receive feedback from the review panel in the coming weeks.
Questions? Please email to with the subject line: Student Success Seed Grant Program 2016, or call Kristina Peterson-Wilson at (509) 335-8915.